Home » The number of Russians rested inside the country in 2021 is named

The number of Russians rested inside the country in 2021 is named

by alex

Head of Rostourism Doguzova: 56 million people made tours in Russia in 2021

Photo: Igor Ivanko / AGN “Moscow”

According to preliminary forecasts, the number of Russians who have rested inside the country will reach 56 million by the end of 2021. This forecast was voiced by the head of Rostourism Doguzova in an interview with RBC.

As Doguzova clarified, only those tourists who have stayed in hotels for at least one night are taken into account in the calculations. At the same time, the indicator of Russians who traveled around the country in 2021 recovered by almost 90 percent to the level of 2019, which is one of the best dynamics of the recovery of domestic tourism in the world.

“At the same time, there are regions that will fully recover, or even surpass the indicators of 2019. These are, first of all, Crimea, Krasnodar Territory and such increasingly popular destinations as Altai, Kamchatka, Kaliningrad Region, Karelia, Sakhalin, Murmansk Region, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria and others, ”the head of Rostourism named promising directions.

It is noted that due to the outstripping growth rates of domestic tourism at the end of the year, Russia will restore the industry by an average of 80 percent from the dock level. Another indicator is the number of jobs. Tourism employment recovered 92 percent in 2021 to 2.3 million.

Earlier in December, the head of Rostourism, Zarina Doguzova, announced that the department was preparing a bill on payment of the minimum guaranteed compensation in the amount of 40 thousand rubles to Russian tourists in the event of bankruptcy of travel agencies.

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