Home » The Nogai people announced the modern genocide in Astrakhan and the desire to secede from Russia

The Nogai people announced the modern genocide in Astrakhan and the desire to secede from Russia

by alex

Russia enslaves indigenous peoples living on its territory. Moreover, it renders genocide. And he is doing it now, by force sending men to fight in Ukraine.

Anvar Kurmanakaev emphasized this during the 5th Forum of Free Peoples of Post-Russia, Channel 24 reports. He emphasized that Russia is committing a modern genocide.

Russia keeps the people in poverty and oppression

According to Kurmanakaev, about 200 thousand indigenous Nogai population. And on its basis, he emphasized,they seek to create the Nogai Republic in Astrakhan.

This would allowfree yourself from oppression and poverty. Especially against the backdrop of how rich this region is. He noted that huge amounts of oil and gas are produced in the Astrakhan region. But local residents do not benefit from this at all.

Everyone is taken to Moscow, the local population is slaughtered. They travel all over the place looking for work. This is today's genocide,” he stressed.

Also, according to Kurmanakaev, residents of Astrakhan were among the first to be sent to the front. Putin drove about 5 thousand young guys to certain death, and this is per 100 thousand of the population. And this, he emphasizes, is genocide.

“Therefore, I want to stop this genocide. “Only free nations can create something. And such “empires” have not yet created anything,” he stressed.

Ukraine's victory will de-occupy Chechnya

A Chechen politician is convinced of this Ahmed Zakaev. He voiced the corresponding opinion at the same Forum. He noted that now the best representatives of the enslaved and occupied peoples of the Caucasus are fighting for Ukraine. They stand side by side with our soldiers and help to de-occupy our state.

Zakayev is convinced that “the courageous and heroic rebuff of the Ukrainian army to the Russian invaders”, as well as the help of the world community, will allow the Russian aggressors to break the spine.

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