Home » The next six months will be decisive – Tusk on assistance to Ukraine

The next six months will be decisive – Tusk on assistance to Ukraine

by alex

The Prime Minister of Poland stated this during a press conference in Warsaw. He stated both the need to strengthen our state and prepare the defense of Europe.

Europe is preparing for the threat

As Donald Tusk noted, so far all his international conversations that he has had with various leaders – at the level of Brussels, the Weimar Triangle, the Visegrad Group, with the Scandinavian countries – concern exclusively how Europe can prepare in case Russia carries out aggression against it.

We don’t know how much of this threat is real, but it is definitely real. We are talking about 10% or 80%, but it exists, and no country can afford to ignore this threat, especially when all the allies are only talking about it,” Tusk emphasized.

He added that the task of the Polish government is prepare the country for each of the possible scenarios.

This applies to bomb shelters, uniforms, and support for defense troops, civil protection, critical infrastructure,” added Donald Tusk.

The Polish Prime Minister noted that the country’s government will now both accumulate its reserves and redirect funds to various decisions related to Russian aggression.

Donald Tusk emphasized that the next six months will be “absolutely decisive.” Therefore, according to him, it is necessary to send as much ammunition to Ukraine as possible. In addition, their production should be established within our state. He noted that Poland is very active in this context.

The Pentagon said that Ukraine was at increased risk

Major General Patrick Ryder, a Pentagon spokesman, said that the United States was slow to provide assistance for Ukraine. He noted that for our state “risks are growing daily.”

Of course, delays in receiving what it needs continue to expose Ukraine to increased risk,” he emphasized in an interview with Radio Liberty.

He added that the Pentagon fully understands “the direness of the situation, the importance and urgency ammunition needs and other capabilities.”

And so, again, we're going to continue to work very closely with our Congress. The risks are growing every day, Ryder emphasized.

In an interview, he added that “Ukrainians have shown themselves to be incredibly courageous, brave and innovative fighters” in the fight against Russian invaders.

Ryder noted that our defenders “continue to hold the line along most of the front line.” And they do so, although Russian invaders manage to achieve some gradual successes at the front.

But now we continue to see Ukraine holding its ground. Therefore, we will focus on supporting Ukraine and ensuring that Russia cannot seize more territory. And then, I hope, in the future we will see that Ukraine will return its territory,” Ryder emphasized in an interview.

Please note that on March 19, the next meeting in the “Ramstein” format “. Defense Minister Rustem Umerov summed up its results. He noted that there would be three calibers of ammunition, as well as air defense missiles.

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