Home » The new US administration considers Russia an urgent challenge

The new US administration considers Russia an urgent challenge

by alex

Tony Blinken

The new US administration believes that Russia's steps and policies pose a challenge to Washington. This was announced on Tuesday by the candidate for the post of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken during the hearings in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US Senate, which were devoted to the consideration of his candidacy, reports TASS.

According to him, Moscow is at the very top of the agenda of the incoming US administration. “The challenge that Russia poses on a whole series of fronts is one that is urgent. (…) There is a lot to discuss, ”Blinken emphasized.

In early January, Jake Sullivan, whom Biden chose as his national security adviser, announced that the new US administration plans to negotiate with Russia on the extension of the Treaty on Measures to Further Reduce and Limit Strategic Offensive Arms (START, unofficially called START III).

Biden's inauguration is scheduled for January 20. In particular, Vice President Mike Pence is invited to the event. At the same time, Biden called Trump's decision not to attend the event as good, as he said earlier.

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