Home » The network has dispelled the myth of the ideal breast size

The network has dispelled the myth of the ideal breast size

by alex

Reddit users discuss the claim that big breasts are more attractive than small ones

Photo: Shutterstock

Reddit user @ elnl123n admitted that she was complex about the popular opinion that large breasts are more attractive than small ones, and suggested discussing this statement. In the comments to the post, many netizens dispelled the myth of the perfect breast.

“I'm 20 years old and I hate my breasts. She is small, and because of this I feel very insecure. I grew up around guys who constantly spoke with admiration only about large breasts. Because of this, it seems to me that I am not sexy enough. We need your opinion, “- wrote the author of the thread.

“Any breast is a good breast,” @nihcul wrote. The comment became the most popular and collected over four thousand likes. Another user noted that the author of the thread should not worry about the size of the breasts and the appearance, but stated that in fact, many girls are worried about this. “My wife is always worried that her breasts will change: after pregnancy, breastfeeding, after weaning the baby. And trust me, breasts do change, but I still love them. At every stage, ”he said.

“Yes, anyone can have a preference. But you have to be damn unattractive for them to consider you unattractive just because of your breasts. It never happens that you kiss with a guy, he starts touching your breasts, and then says: “What? They are small? Then I'm leaving,” “@ ElHage13 shared his opinion.

“Perfectly sized breasts are those that are allowed to be touched.” “Let me tell you about the most disgusting breasts I've ever seen. She was beautiful anyway. ”“ Many men prefer smaller breasts, ”other Reddit users wrote in the comments.

Earlier, a Twitter user suggested discussing the worst ways to part with a lover online and created a thread in which users of the social network shared their stories.

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