Home » The mystery of the border water. 29 thousand rubles. per liter – and there are enough people who want to

The mystery of the border water. 29 thousand rubles. per liter – and there are enough people who want to

by alex

The cheapest way to get healing water for the general population was proposed by Alan Chumak in the late 1980s. He charged her with passes on TV. They say that it helped someone. The main thing is to believe in it.

They say that by the end of this century, water will become the most valuable resource for humanity. But for the most cunning of its representatives, it has always been a commodity on which you can make good money.

Water is the source of life, everyone knows that. As well as the fact that the human body consists of it, either 60%, or 80%. So our attitude to water is almost sacred. And people are ready to pay for sacredness. If you correctly raise the topic and draw attention to it, you can find a gold mine. The algorithm is known: it must be stated that the sensational properties of water have been discovered, that official science refuses to recognize the discovery due to its inertia and retrogradeness, and that its application in practice promises previously unthinkable results for health, longevity and much more.

Tap water costs almost nothing. But consecrated by the sacred “scientific” rite, passed through the “revolutionary” technology, it turns from ordinary water into “magnetized”, “structured” water “from the pyramid.” Or, say, into the “border” water.

How to make water live?

Legend has it that in 1984 a group of scientists from the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute. Zhukovsky, studying the flow around high-speed underwater objects (submarines, torpedoes), found that water adjacent to their surface acquires a number of new physical properties. In particular, its electrical conductivity increases, its heat capacity decreases, and there are no bubbles. In the boundary layer, the water changes so much that, in fact, it becomes “other” water.

Again. There is ordinary water that flows, for example, in a stream. And there is water, which flows around the stone lying at the bottom of the stream in a thin layer. This thin-yusenky layer near the stone is the boundary water. According to the authors of the discovery, this is a microenvironment with its own physics of processes and various interesting phenomena. Its state is close to “crystalline”, “glassy”, “gel-like”, etc. And most importantly, this water in a number of parameters is close to the internal fluids of a person.

“Getting into a living organism from the outside, ordinary water undergoes a number of changes, its properties change,” they say on one of the sites. – The higher a living organism stands on the evolutionary ladder, the more drastically the physical properties of water change in it. The body spends a huge amount of energy to change them. If there is enough physical strength to maintain the normal properties of water, then in the event of the arrival of a virus, cell mutations, etc., the body copes with their effects. If not, he has serious problems: viruses and pathological processes begin to multiply, he is unable to cope with mutated cells, etc. All this happens against the background of chronic fatigue. “

What if there is an opportunity to restore internal body fluids? Of course there is, and the reader has already guessed which one! “Clinical trials of border water have shown that with daily consumption in small quantities, it helps to increase energy, human stress resistance, has an antiviral effect, improves metabolism, neutralizes the effect of ethanol, and has an analgesic effect when applied externally.”

Isn't it living water that resurrects an epic hero? In addition, it “has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and cardiovascular systems, thyroid gland, liver, kidneys, etc.”, promotes “positive work of the central nervous system”, “relieves chronic fatigue syndrome, restores sleep “, etc.

But there is one problem. Collected from the boundary layer, the water immediately after that ceases to be boundary layer and in a matter of minutes loses its miraculous properties. However, the authors found a way out. They managed “in the course of 10 years of research and experiments” to develop a technology for obtaining boundary water from ordinary natural waters: they are treated with “physical fields – sound, magnetic, electromagnetic, or their alternation.” The resulting water retains borderline properties for 1.5 years.

The method is kept secret – a trade secret. There is something to guard: border water is sold at a price of … 1750 rubles. for 6 bottles of 10 ml each! It is easy to calculate that one liter costs more than 29 thousand rubles. Ingredients: artesian water, potassium and sodium bicarbonates, vitamin C. It is suggested to add water to ordinary drinking water, inject it into the nose or under the tongue. Also, manufacturers report that on its basis “medicines and health-improving preparations are being developed.”

“Most useful for the seller”

The sites selling miracle water are full of praise. “Boundary water is a miracle, it prohibits illness, especially in acute cases … This water stops the aging process” (Larisa Boykova); “Strength and desire to do something appear, the mood rises” (Irina); “Our family has been taking the border guard for a year and a half already” (Valery).

Skeptics object to the apologists: “As long as there are fools in the world …” (Anton); “I am a physicist, I know a lot about liquids in layers adjacent to a solid, and I will tell you that boundary water is a dirty business, very dirty. You can't deceive people like that. A terrible sin “(Vladimir).

And what about official science? Maybe we are really dealing with a sensation, just do not understand it? Unfortunately, the authors of the “discovery”, mentioning “clinical trials”, “experiments on cell lines” and “experiments on laboratory animals”, do not describe their methodology, and most importantly, they do not give references to publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals. And without them, the discovery itself, as it were, does not exist – the scientific community simply does not know anything about it. But perhaps the authors would not want to know?

The RAS commission for the fight against pseudoscience has repeatedly encountered various “wonderful” waters. “If you rely on my 30-year experience of acquaintance with all sorts of“ structured ”,“ live ”,“ deuterium-free ”, as well as“ superfiltered ”Petrik water, then the impression is simple: this is a successful commercial event, and not punishable,” says the chairman of the commission on the fight against pseudoscience, academician Evgeny Alexandrov. – Why not punishable? Because the composition of this water is harmless. Sodium bicarbonate is common baking soda. And vitamin C, also indicated in its composition, is even useful. But the seller will be most useful, since the cost of such a bottle of water has been exceeded 100 times, if not more. “

Another member of the commission, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Mikhail Arkhipov, draws attention: “In the layer of water near the border with another substance, naturally, there are processes associated with the properties of the surface with which the water is in contact. After removing water from the surface, except for the appearance of an impurity of the substance with which the water was in contact, nothing will happen to the water. Roughly speaking, it can only become “dirtier”.

“From the very first words it is clear that this is pseudoscientific nonsense. Boundary water is another sample in a long series of different “waters”, which, according to the authors, have memory, that is, the ability to preserve information obtained while in other conditions and not associated with a change in its chemical composition, – says the professor of the Institute Chemistry St. Petersburg State University Pyotr Tolstoy. – In fact, there is no long-term memory in the structure of liquid water. The relative position and movement of its molecules are determined not by its “past”, but by the current conditions – temperature, pressure, presence and concentration of dissolved substances, colloidal particles, etc. Imagine: under normal conditions, each water molecule has time to turn in its place or move at a distance comparable to its size, in just a few picoseconds. A picosecond is 10-12 seconds. What kind of memory is there! At best, gullible people are sold simply clean water. “

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