Home » The mysterious murder of a Ukrainian woman in Germany: everything that is known about the disappearance of a refugee family

The mysterious murder of a Ukrainian woman in Germany: everything that is known about the disappearance of a refugee family

by alex

It is still unknown what and why happened to Ukrainian citizens.

A murdered Ukrainian refugee was found in Germany, who was only 27 years. Police are looking for her daughter, who was born 5 weeks ago, and her 51-year-old mother.

Everything that is known about the terrible incident is described in the material TSN.ua.

The body of a Ukrainian woman was found on the river bank

The day before, Ukrainian refugees mysteriously disappeared in Germany. After several days of searching near the city of Gockenheim in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, on a dam of the Rhine River, a local resident discovered the body of an unknown woman. The investigation established the identity of the deceased – she is a 27-year-old Ukrainian woman.

The girl, her mother and newborn daughter went missing on March 4th. It is known that the family went abroad due to the full-scale war and lived in a refugee center in the Rhine-Neckar district.

An autopsy determined that the Ukrainian woman died as a result of violent acts. Law enforcement officers believe that she was with her mother and one-month-old daughter. They were put on the wanted list.

The child was found alive

As Bild wrote, the baby was found alive. This was reported by the Mannheim Police Headquarters.

The girl, who was only a few weeks old, was in the care of a 43-year-old woman and a 44-year-old man. They were arrested. These are the people who are suspected of killing the woman. They appeared before a judge on Thursday and were then taken to correctional facilities. It was previously reported that two men were arrested.

According to the message, the child turned out to be safe and sound, but he was still taken to the hospital as a preventive measure. DNA analysis showed that the babies are the daughter of a murdered Ukrainian woman. The girl is now in the care of the Youth Affairs Department.

The public is called upon to help the investigation

According to TSN journalist Natalya Fiebrig from Germany, the police have released the name and date of birth of the mother of the murdered Ukrainian citizen. This is Marina Stitsenko, born on February 25, 1973. It is she who is considered by law enforcement to be the main witness of the crime. Now the case is being investigated by fifty law enforcement officers who have received about 50 testimonies.

“A special commission at Rampe (the name of the place where the body was found on the NATO ramp) has been searching for the child and the woman's mother since the discovery of the body. The search for the 51-year-old mother continues,” the Bild report says.< /p>

The police are appealing to the public for help. Witnesses who can provide information about the woman's whereabouts or who have seen her are asked to call the Crime Stoppers Hotline at 0621/174-4444 or any other police department.

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