Home ยป The most popular words in search engines after the debate between Biden and Trump are revealed

The most popular words in search engines after the debate between Biden and Trump are revealed

by alex

Merriam-Webster, a publishing company for dictionaries and reference books, has revealed the most popular words that Americans looked in search engines during and after the debates of US presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Writes about this The New York Post.

We are talking about the phrase “white racist” and the word “Antifa” (the name of the ultra-left movement). Other popular search terms are fascist, racism, and intolerant.

The New York Post notes that they came when Trump was asked to comment on the actions of far-right groups in the protest cities during the debate, which took place in the auditorium of Case Western River University in Cleveland on September 30. The president, in turn, refused to call them racist and considered what was happening “a problem of the left, not the right.”

In the spring and summer of 2020, dozens of US cities saw massive protests, accompanied by riots and clashes with police over the death of African American George Floyd. A black man died in Minneapolis on May 25 after being mistreated by a police officer.

Protesters cite racism and police brutality as the cause of Floyd's death. In some states, protests escalated into riots with pogroms, looting, gunfire and arson.

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