Home » The most characteristic rare words for the regions of Russia are named

The most characteristic rare words for the regions of Russia are named

by alex

Yandex together with experts from the Institute of the Russian Language named after V.V. Vinogradov, they found out what words are in use exclusively in a particular region of the country of Russia. The research results are published on the Yandex website.

For two years, analysts and experts have been tracking the comments of Yandex.Zen users from different regions of the Russian Federation. The fruit of the work of the project team was the rare words inherent in this or that region. The publication of the results is timed to the Day of the Russian Language, celebrated today, June 6.

In particular, it turned out that the inhabitants of the Moscow agglomeration called cafes, restaurants and other catering by the term “food”. Multi-apartment high-rise buildings, which are massively built up in the region, are referred to here as “human beings”. A point of sale in the capital is called a “corner”. General dissatisfaction with something sounds like “spit on.”

Outside the Urals, in the Tomsk and Novosibirsk regions, all kinds of everyday trifles are called “shurushki”. The residents of Kemerovo do not drink liquid, but “gush”. In the Sverdlovsk, Volgograd regions and in the Perm region, the underground, the basement is called the word “golbets”. In Transbaikalia, a victim of something is considered to be “shocked”. In the Sverdlovsk region, something big is called “khabzina”.

Junior Researcher, Institute of the Russian Language. V.V. Vinogradov Ivan Levin noted that many scientific works are devoted to Russian dialects and many specialized dictionaries have been published. At the same time, the modern vocabulary of residents of Russian cities has been studied to a much lesser extent. According to Levin, the “local” words captured by the study could provide a basis for more fundamental work by linguists.

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