Home » The Ministry of Health called the denial of alcohol dependence the main sign of its presence

The Ministry of Health called the denial of alcohol dependence the main sign of its presence

by alex

Denial of alcohol dependence is primarily about its presence, said Deputy Minister of Health of Russia Oleg Salagay.

“You talk to a person who is addicted to alcohol consumption, he will answer you:“ I’m not addicted to anything, I just like it and I drink ”. It is very important to give a report internally that one of the signs of addiction is the fact of denial of this addiction by the person himself, ”he said on the air of the radio station“ Moscow Says ”.

As Salagay explained, denial of the fact of addiction in medicine is called “anosognosia.” The specialist noted that it is important for an alcohol addict to understand this and not be afraid to seek help from doctors.

As the website kp.ru wrote, earlier the deputy head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation denied the assertion about Russia as the most drinking country. According to him, in 2014-2017, the level of alcohol consumption in the country was approximately 0.83 liters of absolute alcohol per capita, and this is one of the lowest rates in Europe.

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