Home » The media reported an attempt on the life of Palestinian President Abbas: the motorcade was allegedly attacked by armed people

The media reported an attempt on the life of Palestinian President Abbas: the motorcade was allegedly attacked by armed people

by alex

Attack on the Palestinian President's motorcade / Collage 24 Channel, screenshots from video

Palestinian propaganda publications said that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas today allegedly survived an assassination attempt.

The Palestinian media is distributing footage showing an armed group attacking the president's motorcade with weapons. It is reported that during the shootout one of Abbas's guards was allegedly wounded.

What is known about the attack on the Palestinian President

Propagandists claim that, according to unverified sources, the attack was allegedly carried out by the armed group “Sons of Abu Jandal”. They say he asked Abbas to take a clear position against Israel.

The media noted that there is great dissatisfaction with Abbas among Palestinians due to his silence on Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.

Subsequently, reports appeared online that the bodyguard of the Palestinian president allegedly died in a shootout. It is unknown whether Abbas himself was injured.

Footage of the attack on Abbas's motorcade: watch the video

Let us note that the Palestinian authorities have not yet officially commented on these reports.

Meanwhile, the situation in the Middle East is deteriorating. The President of Turkey and many activists and celebrities around the world are adding fuel to the fire, accusing Israel of “atrocities” against Palestine.

Erdogan supported terrorists

Note that at the end of October, the president of Turkey, a NATO member, suddenly supported Hamas. Moreover, Recep Tayyip Erdogan suddenly supported Hamas, calling them a “liberation organization.” In addition, the Turkish leader led a rally of thousands in Ankara.

Erdogan blamed Israel for “atrocities” in the Gaza Strip and said he had planned to travel to the Jewish state but canceled his visit.

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