Home » The majority are in favor of new taxes after the corona crisis

The majority are in favor of new taxes after the corona crisis

by alex

According to a recent survey, the Austrians want to finance support for the economy with digital and wealth taxes.

The corona crisis is costing Austria a lot of money. As reported, the upcoming budget is also shaped by the crisis. In the end there is another minus, because the planned expenditure in 2021 is 97.8 billion euros, while the income is “only” 75.2 billion euros. At the federal level, this is a planned deficit of 22.6 billion euros. That is 1.6 billion euros more than was assumed in October. A national Maastricht deficit of 9.8 percent and a national debt ratio of 87.9 percent are assumed.

So how are you supposed to pay for all the necessary help for the economy? A majority of Austrians prefer new taxes for this, says a survey carried out for “Profil” by the opinion research institute Unique research. 68 percent of those questioned are in favor of the introduction of digital taxes, 38% in favor of the introduction of inheritance and wealth taxes, and 17% in favor of increasing VAT.

13% of those questioned are in favor of savings in social benefits, 12% in favor of reluctance to negotiate salaries, and 7% in favor of reluctance to raise pensions.

Regarding the survey: multiple answers were possible; Sample size 504; maximum fluctuation range: +/- 4.4%.

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