Home » The main infectious diseases the US revealed the way to stop the spread of coronavirus

The main infectious diseases the US revealed the way to stop the spread of coronavirus

by alex

American infectious disease specialist, chief expert of the working group on the fight against mers in the U.S. Dr. Anthony Fauci called the ways to stop the spread of coronavirus. About it reports The Mirror.

According to him, the coronavirus will be able to win, if humanity learns to wear masks, observe a minimum distance of two meters, and also to wash their hands. In addition, the doctor believes it is necessary to get rid of the habit of going to cafes and restaurants.

Fauci, who is an Advisor to the White house, has repeatedly engaged in polemics with the President of the United States Donald trump on the issue of combating infection, notes the edition. According to him, the current surge in the incidence in the country is a consequence of the weakening of restrictive measures in mid-July.

“If we do not introduce strict adherence to the principles I have mentioned will inevitably happen is that States which are not yet in trouble, most likely, will get there,” said Fauci.

Previously, more than 150 American medical experts, medical professionals, scientists, teachers and experts in other fields have signed a collective letter to the authorities, which called for a resumption of more stringent quarantine in the country. A letter was sent to the presidential administration, U.S. Congress and state governors.

The total number of infected by the coronavirus in the U.S. rose to 4.39 million. A day in the country showed almost 60 thousand new cases. The record for daily growth was infected, was on July 16. Then COVID-19 contracted is 75.6 thousand people.

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