Home » The magic of smoking

The magic of smoking

by alex

Smoking is a centuries-old tradition for disinfecting rooms and creating a good atmosphere.

The Mikisch family smokes regularly

It has become a tradition when the Mikisch family walks through their old farmhouse and courtyard at Christmas and smokes in the individual rooms. “We say thank you for the year, nature, for what we have and ask for a blessing,” says Mama Andrea. The 52-year-old doesn't just smoke privately. She owns three apartment buildings in Vienna. “If necessary, we also smoke here. For example, if someone has died in the house. “

Andrea and husband Herbert do this very intuitively when they have the feeling that it is time to clean the room again. This is exactly what architect Sigrid Csurda-Steinwender recommends, who wrote a book on the subject of smoking. “You should smoke by feeling, for example if you no longer feel comfortable in the apartment, the energies seem too dense or the air is thick.”

The magic of smoking

Rooms can be cleaned well with sage or juniper.

Smoking has a very long tradition and goes back to the discovery of fire. People recognized early on that herbs thrown into the fire have effects. In addition, the act also represented a gift to the gods to say thank you or to ask for wishes.

For a while, smoking was reserved for the church. Above all, incense was smoked here in order to widen the spirit and to better come into contact with God and prayer. “Smoking is a centuries-old method of disinfecting rooms, as was done in the stables in pre-Christian times and today in your own four walls,” says Csurda-Steinwender.

Smoking clears the atmosphere. This is not scientifically proven. “Nowadays our reasoning needs proof for everything. The energy fields in the rooms cannot be measured, but can be felt. If you think, for example, of the energy of a hospital, most of them know which one is meant. ”After illnesses, changes or stressful phases, you can smoke through with a lot of herbs, of that the traditional European medical practitioner Anja Fischer is convinced. “Juniper has a disinfectant effect or star anise cleans the air.”

The magic of smoking

The Mikisch family smoking in their garden

Smells arouse sensations and memories. “Herbs don't work miracles, but they support processes or alignment,” says Fischer. There is no specific process for smoking, says expert Csurda-Steinwender: “It's more about the intention and the attitude.” It is important that you take a certain time window, without pressure, distractions such as cell phone or radio. And then you follow your feeling as to which incense you choose and let the intention guide you through the rooms.

Expert Fischer has a tip: “The charcoal has to be white like when grilling and only then do you put on the incense.”

However, a certain result cannot be fumigated. Csurda-Steinwender said: “If you smoke something with something aphrodisiac like rose petals, for example, it doesn't automatically mean that the sex will be better. But through the ritual one gets in the mood for it and opens up to the possibility. “

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