Home » The leaders of the European Parliament approved a statement in support of Ukraine

The leaders of the European Parliament approved a statement in support of Ukraine

by alex

On Wednesday, February 16, the leaders of the European Parliament approved a statement in support of Ukraine, while condemning military aggression by Russia.

The European Parliament demanded that the Kremlin withdraw the Russian troops in full.

– The buildup of military power on the border with Ukraine, in Belarus, in the illegally annexed Crimea, in the Black Sea, as well as in the unrecognized separatist formations of Donetsk and Lugansk, is a direct threat to the security of Ukraine. The threat to use force is contrary to the UN Charter and the fundamental principles of international law.

The leaders indicated that they unwaveringly support the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

We support the diplomatic efforts of European leaders to defuse tensions and call on Russia to contribute to the immediate de-escalation. We are equally determined to support a strong response if Russia continues to default on its international obligations and attacks Ukraine.

The European Parliament called on the Council of the European Union to remain ready for the early adoption of tough economic and financial sanctions against the Russian Federation in close cooperation with transatlantic partners and other like-minded people.

– Such sanctions should include the exclusion of Russia from the SWIFT system, individual sanctions against individuals close to the Russian President and their families, resulting in the freezing of financial and physical assets in the EU, and travel bans. We reiterate our call for an immediate halt to the Nord Stream 2 project if Russia launches an attack on Ukraine,” the statement said.

The leaders welcomed the fact that some countries have increased military support for Ukraine and provided defensive weapons in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter, which allows individual and collective self-defence.

“Only Ukrainians can decide which path their country will take in the future. We will support their democratic rights, fundamental freedoms and human rights, as well as the choice of the country in favor of a European future in conditions of freedom, democracy, peace and security, the message concluded.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, commenting on this statement, thanked for the “strong signals”.

– Support for European aspirations and practical assistance make Ukraine stronger against the backdrop of security threats. Thanks to the EU for unity with Ukraine! he wrote on his Twitter.

The leaders of the European Parliament approved a statement in support of Ukraine

Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba joined the President's gratitude and noted the importance of such statements in deterring further Russian aggression.

He expressed the hope that this would influence the Russian Federation to de-escalate the security crisis it created.

The leaders of the European Parliament approved a statement in support of Ukraine

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