Home ยป The leader of Iran replied if his country wants to receive nuclear weapons

The leader of Iran replied if his country wants to receive nuclear weapons

by alex

< IMG SRC = "https://img.tsn.ua/cached/656/tsn-fc8d4b0191801bebf97b41f256 2888af/thumbs/1036x648/AE/64/E5D61518CAA0387500024AF64AE.JPEG " />~ 60 >< strong > in Iran they say that the United States cannot prevent Tehran to get nuclear weapons. ~/p > ~~ 60 > upper leader < strong > Iran Ayatolla Ali Hamenya said that his country does not intend to receive nuclear weapons. < p > < p > informs about this < strong > 60 ~/p > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ < p > speaking to the students of Hamenya, he categorically objected that Iran intends to develop his own nuclear weapon. he stated that if Iran had intentions to receive nuclear weapons, the United States could not interfere with this. < p > < p > “about nuclear weapons, they say that” we would not allow Iran to get it. “If we wanted to make nuclear weapons, America could not interfere with this. The fact that we do not have nuclear weapons and we are not trying to get it – this is because we ourselves are not striving for this,” said Hamens. < p > previously reported that < strong > the United States again call Iran to negotiations under a nuclear agreement 60 ~/p > 62 ~ < p > we previously informed that Iranian President Masud Cyzeshkyan < Strong > said that he would not negotiate with the USA , despite threats. 62 ~ < p >< strong > read also:

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