Home » The knife remained in my head: in a village near Cherkassy, ​​a man stabbed his wife to death because of vodka

The knife remained in my head: in a village near Cherkassy, ​​a man stabbed his wife to death because of vodka

by alex

In the Cherkasy region, a 49-year-old woman was stabbed to death by her partner. For what he does, he faces up to 15 years in prison.

The incident took place on December 9 in the village of Zorovka, Zolotonosha district.

The lovers had a feast, but at some point a 40-year-old man thought that his wife drank more vodka than he did.


In a wave of anger, the husband grabbed a large kitchen knife and stuck it in his wife's head. As a result of heavy bleeding, the woman died on the spot.

 The knife remained in my head: in a village near Cherkassy, ​​a man stabbed his wife to death because of vodka

When the police came to the man's house, he confessed to the massacre over his wife.

Criminal proceedings were opened under Part 1 of Art. 115 (Intentional murder) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. In the near future, the unfortunate husband will choose a preventive measure. The investigation is ongoing.

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