Home » The Japanese chose the hieroglyph “close” as the symbol of the year

The Japanese chose the hieroglyph “close” as the symbol of the year

by alex

Japan chose 2020 hieroglyph

The Japanese chose the hieroglyph

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    In Japan, the hieroglyph for “tight” () has become the symbol of 2020. The corresponding decision was made by the Japanese Federation for Testing Hieroglyphic Skills, NHK reports.

    The choice of the 2020 hieroglyph is due to the restrictions that were introduced due to the coronavirus pandemic. Residents of the country were asked to avoid large gatherings of people, tight spaces and not to enter into close contacts.

    The second most popular hieroglyph, claiming to be the symbol of the year, has become “worse.” The third place was taken by the hieroglyph with the meaning “disease”.

    The main character of the year was drawn in ink by the abbot of the Kiyomizu-dera Buddhist temple, located in Kyoto.

    At the end of each year, the inhabitants of the country by voting choose a hieroglyph that characterizes the situation in the world that has developed over the past year. In 2019, the hieroglyph “ray” became the symbol, the meaning of which is “order”, “harmony”, “beauty”.

    Earlier, the American publishing house Merriam-Webster named “pandemic” as the word for 2020. Collins Dictionary chose lockdown as the word of the year. The editorial staff explained that it characterizes the state of stagnation, which humanity fears most in 2020.

    The Japanese chose the hieroglyph

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