Home » The Italian scored 769 time off in three years and earned almost $ 100 thousand from freelancing.

The Italian scored 769 time off in three years and earned almost $ 100 thousand from freelancing.

by alex

The Italian scored 769 time off in three years and earned almost $ 100 thousand from freelancing.

In Italy, a former high school mathematics teacher took 769 days off allegedly for childcare and illness in three years, but in fact all this time he traveled and worked as a consultant. During his absence from the workplace, the man managed to earn almost 100 thousand dollars. In addition, he demanded another 13,000 from the institute in sickness and childcare benefits, ANSA reported.

It is noted that the 47-year-old teacher at an industrial and technical institute in Sicily took 459 days of sick leave and another 310 days of parental leave. His medical certificates were signed by a family doctor.

The criminal scheme was discovered by the police, who were approached by male colleagues who were tired of his absenteeism. The guards figured out the routes of the teacher's movement by booking hotels and paying for travel on highways. It turned out that the Italian worked part-time just in those days when he pretended to be sick or could not work “looking after children.”

After the fraudster's scheme was revealed, he was fired from the university. The funds he received from the institute were arrested. They can be withdrawn by a court decision.

Earlier it was reported that in Spain, an official did not go to work for 10 years, but at the same time he regularly received a salary. And in the United States, an employee of the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) slept in her workplace for several years, but no disciplinary action was applied to her.

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