Home » The ISS will paint a picture with brushes on canvas for the first time

The ISS will paint a picture with brushes on canvas for the first time

by alex

At the International Space Station (ISS) for the first time they will paint a picture with brushes on canvas in a special box, and also fix the mixing of paints and water in zero gravity, Izvestia writes.

On Wednesday, December 8, two Japanese space tourists, businessman Yusaku Maezawa and producer Yozo Hirano, will go into space on the Soyuz MS-20 spacecraft. The crew will also include Russian cosmonaut Alexander Misurkin. They are expected to spend 12 days in space, perform a series of experiments, and return to Earth on Monday, December 20.

According to Denis Shapiro, project manager for Space Adventures, Maezawa is fond of collecting paintings, so he plans to paint a picture in space. “He will have a special box, which is necessary so that the watercolors from the tubes do not scatter in zero gravity,” the expert explained. The plot of the work is still unknown.

The second experiment deals with mixing paints with water. In zero gravity, water is collected in balls, the Japanese will add acrylic paints there and be able to record observations.

“The painting may be of great value. Art is now in general “on the hype” and attracts wealthy people, ”suggested Georgy Altman, founder and co-owner of Altmans Gallery.

Pictures have already been painted in space, but by different methods. For example, Alexey Leonov, who first went into outer space, depicted with pencils. Space tourist Richard Garriott painted by squeezing paint and grabbing it with paper.

Prior to this, the crew of cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky, actress Yulia Peresild and director Klim Shipenko filmed the film “Call” on the ISS and returned home safely.

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