Home » The Israeli army has decided to postpone the conflict with Lebanon after an explosion in Beirut

The Israeli army has decided to postpone the conflict with Lebanon after an explosion in Beirut

by alex

The IDF has decided to postpone the conflict with Lebanon after an explosion in Beirut that killed more than 70 people. This is stated in the message on Twitter.

“Israel has offered to send humanitarian and medical assistance in Lebanon through channels of security and international channels. Time to put the conflict”, — said representatives of the defense army of Israel in the social network.

Earlier, the President of Israel Reuven Rivlin expressed his condolences to the people of Lebanon. “We share the pain of the Lebanese people and sincerely extend a helping hand in this difficult time,” wrote the head of state. It was noted that Israel has also expressed willingness to provide medical equipment and to take the victims for treatment.

A powerful explosion occurred near the port of Beirut on the evening of 4 August. Killed at least 70 people, more than 2,700 were injured. Affected many areas of the city, including were hurt in the blast at the Russian Embassy.

The head of General security of the country, General Abbas Ibrahim said that, according to preliminary data, detonated explosives for a long time kept in the port. The interior Ministry clarified that we are talking about the explosion of ammonium nitrate. According to unconfirmed information, in the warehouse a short circuit happened that caused the fire, causing the ammonium nitrate exploded.

Lebanon and Israel are technically at war, although large-scale clashes after the armed conflict in 2006 between the two countries occurred. During the 2006 conflict, Israel bombed two civilian targets in Lebanon — power plant and Beirut airport. In the course of these attacks killed more than 1,200 Lebanese, mainly civilians.

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