Home » “The international community turned a blind eye”: Kislytsya remembered how Russia occupied a seat in the UN Security Council

“The international community turned a blind eye”: Kislytsya remembered how Russia occupied a seat in the UN Security Council

by alex

When Russia violated international law, world leaders turned a blind eye.

In December 1991, Russia, defiantly violating all the rules and articles of the charter, occupied the seat of a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

This was discussed in Serhiy Kislitsa, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, recalled on the air of the United Marathon.

He noted that at that time the international community was inclined to turn a blind eye to large-scale violations of the Russian Federation of the entire logic of international communication and international law .

“A way that meant colluding behind closed doors with the main players of the time. A way that meant pohi The General Assembly has the right to speak as to whether it agrees to Russia becoming a permanent member of the Security Council,” Kislitsa emphasized.

Recall that American chips and components were found in Russian radar systems, drones, tanks, ground equipment and coastal ships. Some of them are “fresh” – made in 2020.

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