Home » The hydrometeorological center named the date of the onset of the astronomical autumn in Russia

The hydrometeorological center named the date of the onset of the astronomical autumn in Russia

by alex

Astronomical autumn in Russia will begin on Wednesday, September 22. This was announced by Marina Makarova, chief specialist of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, in an interview with TASS.

According to her, from this date there will be more cloudy days, and precipitation will acquire an areal character.

“There are more cloudy days, the average daily temperature drops below 10 degrees, the plants stop growing, and chlorophyll is no longer formed in the leaves. That's it, nature is gradually falling asleep, ”said the forecaster.

Makarova noted that the arrival of the astronomical autumn marks the onset of the “golden autumn”, when the leaves begin to turn yellow, redden, and then leaf fall begins.

According to the Moscow Planetarium, the astronomical autumn in 2021 in the Northern Hemisphere will come on September 22 at 22:21 Moscow time.

The leading expert of the Phobos weather center, Yevgeny Tishkovets, told RBC that on September 2, meteorological autumn came in Moscow.

On the eve of the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand, said that from September 24, in the daytime in the center of the European part of Russia, a warming of up to 13 degrees is expected. He noted that the weather will remain cloudy with little rains.

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