Home » The historian revealed the plans of the Nazis before the attack on Moscow

The historian revealed the plans of the Nazis before the attack on Moscow

by alex

Head of the branch “Bogoroditskoye Pole” of the Khmelita Museum-Reserve (Smolensk Region), a fighter of the “Dolg” search unit Igor Mikhailov in an interview with “Lenta. Ru ”told what the Nazis had plans for the attack on Moscow.

The Germans began their attack on the capital on September 30, 1941. In the summer of 1941, there were fierce battles, and the military elite of Germany was divided into two camps: those who believed that it was necessary to strike at Moscow and those who believed that the attack should be in Leningrad and the southern direction. Nevertheless, the military leaders understood that the main forces of the Red Army had been assembled in Moscow, and their defeat made it possible to split the Soviet Union in two and weaken the position.

And Leningrad had a developed industry and the base of the Baltic Fleet. And the ships of the USSR posed a threat to sea transportation between Germany, Sweden and Norway.

In the southern direction, it would be necessary to capture Kiev and then move towards the Caucasus, which could provide the Nazis with oil.

Due to the advice of his military leaders, Hitler was fully confident that Germany was close to crushing the USSR. The offensive leaders have already suggested setting goals based on the tasks that will appear after the victory.

And in August, Hitler decided to transfer the main blow to the Kiev and Leningrad directions, which made it possible to preserve the flanks of the Center armies. And on September 6, a directive was signed on the transfer of Army Group Center to the offensive against Moscow.

The expert noted that Hitler's plans were to surround the Soviet troops and take the capital into a ring even before the onset of frost.

“In turn, the Germans made a number of important mistakes. They overestimated their strength, believing that after the Vyazemsky and Bryansk boilers Moscow was in their pockets. “For another ring around Leningrad. That is, instead of adhering to the original plan, the Nazis allowed the dispersal of forces,”

– said in the material “Lenta.ru”.

Earlier it was reported that the photographer Anton Bondar published pictures taken during the invasion of Nazi Germany in the USSR.

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