Home » The gas station country is rapidly degrading: a fuel crisis begins in Russia

The gas station country is rapidly degrading: a fuel crisis begins in Russia

by alex

Kadyrov prays for a full tank of fuel/”Informator”

Since the beginning of July, at some gas stations in Russia, motorists have been denied refueling a full tank under various pretexts. Such cases were in the outback and were not massive, but every day the situation at gas stations was rapidly deteriorating.

According to Channel 24 sources in intelligence, Russian oil refineries have seriously reduced the volume of fuel production due to for falling oil production. In addition, the Kremlin focused on selling as many energy sources as possible abroad, forgetting about its own domestic market.

Therefore, the supply of gasoline and diesel fuel to Russian gas stations has seriously decreased, but the gas stations have been holding on to their own reserves for quite a long time. /h2>

The situation with the availability of fuel at gas stations in Russia has deteriorated so much that the propaganda media have even been forced to write about it. Numerous publications explain to Russians that from July 14 they may face an unexpected change in the work of gas stations.

In fact, gas stations will earn fuel supply limits. Similar to those that exist in Ukraine, but in our state, Russian missiles bombed all the refineries, while there are no hostilities on the territory of Muscovy. And Russia has always positioned itself as the No. 1 energy supplier in the world, but then something went wrong.

It is still unknown what limits will be set at gas stations. Most likely, they will be different for each network and will gradually decrease, because soon the holiday season will begin in Russia, and the demand for fuel will increase.

It is clear that no one officially recognizes the existence of a problem. Gas station employees have already been informed that it is necessary to refuse car owners, referring to various reasons – a verbal order from the management, a fuel truck did not arrive, etc.

In order to prepare society for the emergence of a serious fuel problem, the propaganda media has already begun commenting on numerous “experts”. They are trying to explain to people that the refusal to refuel a full tank will increase the operating time of the car. Allegedly, if you constantly fill fuel to the maximum mark, the car’s ventilation system will fail faster, and the chassis will also suffer.

Of course, with this logic, we can say that the presence of fuel in the gas tank generally harms the car , because during trips the car gradually breaks down. Therefore, Russian motorists should prepare for huge queues at gas stations, fuel shortages and government regulation. This will definitely make the situation worse.

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