Home ยป The Gamaleya Center named the Sputnik Light efficiency level against the delta

The Gamaleya Center named the Sputnik Light efficiency level against the delta

by alex

The Gamaleya Center named the Sputnik Light efficiency level against the delta

The Gamaleya Center named the Sputnik Light efficiency level against the delta

Scientists from the Gamaleya Research Center for Electrochemistry have published the results of a study on the effectiveness of a single-component vaccine “Sputnik Light” against the delta strain of coronavirus in Moscow, according to the website medRxiv.org.

The study used data from Moscow vaccination registers and statistics on the incidence of COVID. The evaluation criteria were the proportion of cases of coronavirus among those vaccinated with a single dose and the number of infections among those who were not vaccinated.

The overall efficacy for all adults over 18 years of age was 69.8%. “These numbers indicate that Sputnik Light is even more effective against the delta strain than many dual-dose vaccines,” the article says.

Earlier it was reported that new records were recorded in Russia for the number of infections and deaths from coronavirus.

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