Home » The “Freedom of Russia” legion showed a photo from the Ukrainian-Russian border

The “Freedom of Russia” legion showed a photo from the Ukrainian-Russian border

by alex

Russian volunteers showed photos from the border/Collage 24 Channel

Russian volunteers have been conducting operations in the Kursk and Belgorod regions since March 12. Soldiers of the Legion “Freedom of Russia” showed a photo from the border, but it is not yet known when it was taken.

Previously they showed a map of border settlements , from which Russians were urged to evacuate due to danger. After all, they promised to attack the military targets of Putin’s army, writes 24 Channel.

What is known about the stay of Russian volunteers in Russia

The operation of Russian volunteers has been going on for 9 days. So, on March 20, fighters of the Legion “Freedom of Russia” showed a photo of their military, taken on the Ukrainian-Russian border. prohibited.”

The border is locked! But there is a nuance, the volunteers wrote.

Volunteers published photos from the border/Photo of the Legion “Freedom of Russia”

< p>Previously, Alexey Baranovsky, a military member of the “Freedom of Russia” legion, told where they are located on Russian territory. To understand which cities and villages they control, the fighter advised focusing on the evacuation map that they posted in the telegram channel.

From Tetkino to Grayvoron and Shebekino (an extended section of the Russian border in the Kursk and Belgorod regions – Channel 24) – this is all a gray zone in which fighting continues. In the Belgorod region, the main epicenter is Kozinka (a Russian village on the border – 24 Channel) and Grayvoron (a village located a little further from the border – 24 Channel). Kozinka is already completely under the control of the uprising forces. Clashes continue in the Grayvoron area, the fighter said.

Where they can be volunteers on the territory of Russia

The fighters have already stated that they control at least Lozovaya Rudka in the Belgorod region, Tetkino in the Kursk region, already on March 17 – the village of Gorkovsky in the Belgorod region.

Russian volunteers assured on March 17 that the operation to liberate the Kursk and Belgorod regions will continue until all goals are achieved.

Losses of Putin's army during the week of operation

  • Deputy commander of the legion ” Freedom of Russia” “Caesar” said that in the first week of the operation in the Kursk and Bryansk regions, Putin's troops lost 1.5 thousand security forces, 27 people are in captivity.
  • In addition , the volunteers destroyed approximately a tank company of the 1st Artillery Division and approximately 30 units of light armored vehicles.
  • “Caesar” said that the volunteers were holding the liberated territories, in some areas they were moving forward and inflict massive fire damage on the enemy.

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