Home » The Foreign Ministry rejected the possibility of Russia’s rejection of the demands for non-expansion of NATO

The Foreign Ministry rejected the possibility of Russia’s rejection of the demands for non-expansion of NATO

by alex

Russian Foreign Ministry: Russia will not abandon the demands for non-expansion of NATO

Photo: Pixabay

A source in the Russian Foreign Ministry told TASS that Moscow rejects the possibility of abandoning the demands for non-expansion of NATO. He stressed that unrealistic conditions are not set for the West, for example, about the withdrawal of someone from the North Atlantic Alliance or the dissolution of this organization.

“Our opponents have cornered themselves with shameful arguments that NATO expansion has no alternative. We will not back down from our demand and we will see with what shame they will eventually retreat from this position,” the agency interlocutor said.

The Foreign Ministry also reported that negotiations between Russia and the West on security guarantees will continue in the near future, but currently there are no specific agreements on dates, deadlines and levels yet.

The representative of the diplomatic department added that Moscow is disappointed by the lack of “movement towards Russia” on the main requirements in this area, however, the seriousness of the opponents’ approach in a number of issues, such as arms control, is noted.

The Foreign Ministry concluded that it is difficult to talk about a real step towards the West, but the positive aspect is the manifestation of interest in continuing the dialogue.

Earlier on February 4, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that Moscow expects a clear answer from Western countries on how they understand the principle of indivisibility of security.

Prior to that, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov expressed concern about the position of the United States and NATO countries on the indivisibility of security. He stressed that the response to his message should not take much time, since it is about the understanding on the basis of which the alliance states signed the relevant obligations.

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