Home » “The first to go, fuck you” and “this is murder”: how oppositionists and Russians react to Navalny’s death

“The first to go, fuck you” and “this is murder”: how oppositionists and Russians react to Navalny’s death

by alex

How in Russia they react to the death of Navalny/Collage 24 Channel

Russia reacts quite ambiguously to the death of opposition politician Alexei Navalny. Oppositionists note a premeditated murder, while ordinary Russians do not see any resonance in his death at all and comment on it like “the first one left, fuck it.”

24 Channel talks about how they react in Russia to Navalny’s death.

No doubt, this is murder: reaction of the opposition

Russian political and public figures are actively reacting to the news about the death of Alexei Navalny. They note that they have no doubt that this was a deliberate murder. In particular, the Russian oppositionist in exile Mikhail Khodorkovsky generally expressed doubt that Navalny really died.

“If this is true, then regardless of the formal reason, responsibility for the premature death is personally borne by Vladimir Putin, who first authorized the poisoning of Alexei and then put him in prison,” Khodorkovsky wrote.

Khodorkovsky also called on Russians, in response to Navalny’s death, to write his name on the ballot for the presidential election

“I urge everyone to come to the polling stations on March 17 and write the name of Alexei Navalny on the ballot. If you did not know or doubted how to act on this day, then here is the answer”, – wrote

A little reaction from Russian oppositionists/Screenshots from the Meduza website

In the Kremlin political bloc, the death of Alexei Navalny is regarded as “a very negative event” for Vladimir Putin's election campaign. There are also those who say that Navalny “understood what he was getting into when he returned to Russia” and “received punishment for working against the country.”

“That this would happen and that Navalny would not leave prison was expected,” an anonymous Russian government official told The Moscow Times.

At the same time, according to him According to him, Navalny, after he was convicted and was in prison, “did not pose any threat” to the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin.

At the same time, they do not exclude the option , that Navalny could really die a natural death, because he was kept in difficult conditions.

“I do not exclude that, as they write on television channels , there could be a blood clot. So many days in a punishment cell in a row is a lot. Looks like they overdid it”, – said the source. happened. >The Russian Volunteer Corps said that Alexei Navalny has become the latest victim of the Kremlin regime. The fighters say that this is why they are fighting Putin, to resist authoritarianism. weapons precisely because playing by the Kremlin's rules means somehow being expelled or killed. And right now the RDK is proving the effectiveness of this choice, sweeping away the hordes of Putin's soldiers. You can get a homeland only in armed struggle,”– wrote in RDK.

How ordinary Russians react

A Russians as a whole seem to be absolutely indifferent to the death of a famous oppositionist. Some write that they are absolutely indifferent to him. Others have already forgotten who Navalny is. And still others, that it serves him right, because he is a “traitor to the country.”

Here are the comments they left on social networks/Screenshots 24 Channels

Navalny’s death: what is known

  • Navalny “fell ill after the walk” and he “almost immediately lost consciousness.” The FSIN states that doctors carried out resuscitation measures, but they “did not give positive results.”
  • Russian propaganda channels, citing “sources,” claim that Navalny allegedly lost a blood clot .
  • By the way, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky also reacted to Navalny’s death. He noted that the oppositionist repeated the fate of thousands of others tortured and martyred by Putin.

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