Home ยป The first station for the production of hydrogen will appear in Russia

The first station for the production of hydrogen will appear in Russia

by alex

The head of Atomenergomash Nikipelov: the first hydrogen nuclear power plant will be launched in 2036

Photo: Rosatom / Global Look Press

The first nuclear power plant for the production of hydrogen will appear in Russia; it is planned to launch it by 2033, and put it into commercial operation by 2036. RIA Novosti was informed about this by Andrey Nikipelov, General Director of the Machine-Building Division of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom of the Atomenergomash holding.

According to the head of the holding, Atomenergomash can take part both in the development of a nuclear power plant (AETS) project for the production of hydrogen, and in the creation of equipment systems for its storage and transportation. Currently, the development of a preliminary design for a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) is being completed; it should be completed in 2023.

It is assumed that at the beginning of 2025 the holding will receive a license for the placement of AETS, and by the fall of the same year it will develop design documentation. “The physical start-up of the first unit of the nuclear power plant is scheduled for the end of 2032, and in December 2035, the lead nuclear power plant is expected to be put into commercial operation,” Nikipelov said.

He added that the HTGR reactor vessel can be manufactured at the Atommash plant in Volgodonsk, Rostov Region, using the technology for manufacturing the vessels of Russian VVER-1000 reactors, which are now operating at many nuclear power plants.

Earlier, the Ministry of Energy prepared a program for the development of low-carbon hydrogen energy. According to the plan, Russia will annually export up to three million tons of hydrogen by 2030 and up to 12 million tons by 2050. The ministry has estimated investments in the program at $ 26 billion, of which $ 9 billion will go to the creation of logistics infrastructure. The Ministry of Energy's program describes four scenarios for the development of production and sales abroad of both “blue” hydrogen and environmentally friendly “green” hydrogen.

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