Home » The first Russians have already applied for visas to enter Ukraine

The first Russians have already applied for visas to enter Ukraine

by alex

Visa regime for Russia/novyny.live

Ten Russians applied for visas to Ukraine. The visa regime in Ukraine has been operating since July 1.

Six of the applicants have applied for short-term visas. Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko spoke about this.

10 Russians want to apply for a visa to travel to Ukraine

Ten visa forms appeared in the second week. As of July 11, 10 Russian citizens applied for Ukrainian visas, providing the relevant documents, Nikolenko said.

Among the Russians who want to visit Ukraine, there are those who have private goals. It is known that four out of ten want long-term visas for family reunification.

Everyone applied outside of Russia

Nikolenko says that all Russians applied through Ukrainian diplomatic institutions abroad. In Russia, this feature is not yet available.

People were served in four countries: Germany, Poland, Kyrgyzstan and Hungary. Consideration of documents and making decisions on a visa usually takes 10 days.

If you accept the standard visa procedure, this is 10 days. But given that the visa applicants are citizens of the aggressor state, a tighter check will be carried out here, so the visa consideration period will be longer than 10 days,” the Foreign Ministry spokesman added.

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