Home ยป The expert warned of the possibility of a repeat of the global outage in social networks

The expert warned of the possibility of a repeat of the global outage in social networks

by alex

A large-scale failure, as a result of which the popular social networks stopped working, could happen again. This was reported to Lenta.ru by Pavel Korostelev, head of the product promotion department of the Security Code company.

“Services regularly fall, it is just that the failure does not always affect such a large number of users. Unfortunately, companies are in no hurry to strengthen the fault tolerance of their systems, because this makes the launch of new services for customers more difficult, slow and expensive,” the expert said.

Korostelev noted that the Internet is a finely working mechanism, consisting of many protocols and services, so the breakdown of one element can lead to new global failures. He believes that the model of state regulation can solve the problem.

“The state can apply requirements to the Internet that are similar to the requirements for the operation of public networks and power grids. For example, companies can be obliged to introduce multiple redundancy, provide some reserve of capacity for emergency operation, appoint responsible people, and so on,” Korostelev suggested.

The largest Russian mobile operators also faced failures, RIAMO reports, citing data from the Downdetector.ru website. Customers complained about mobile internet and no signal.

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