Home » The expert estimated the increase in prices for clothes and shoes in Russia in 2022

The expert estimated the increase in prices for clothes and shoes in Russia in 2022

by alex

Consulting specialist: the increase in prices for clothing and footwear in Russia in 2022 will be 15-25%

Photo: Natalia Makarova / Kommersant

Anna Lebsak-Kleimans, CEO of Fashion Consulting Group, in a comment to RIA Novosti, estimated the increase in prices for clothing and shoes in Russia in 2022. In her opinion, the cost of this group of goods will increase by 15-25 percent.

The expert noted that in 2021, prices for clothes and shoes in Russia increased by an average of 15-25 percent. “Prices have increased most actively in the premium segment of goods – by 20-30 percent, in the middle segment – by 15-25 percent and in the mass segment – by 10-15 percent,” she said.

Lebsak-Kleimans suggested that this year the price growth rates will be the same as in 2021. At the same time, as the expert clarified, the rise in price of goods will be observed not only in Russia, but also around the world. “According to the assessment made at the Conference on trade and Development at the UN General Assembly (UNCTAD), the average increase in prices for goods will be at least 10 percent,” she said and added that, first of all, the cost of textiles, clothing and shoes will increase.

Among the possible reasons for the rise in price of clothes and shoes, the CEO of Fashion Consulting Group called the global price increase for all types of raw materials, which leads to an increase in the cost of goods. Also, according to Lebsak-Kleimans, the cost of transportation also affects prices – both because of the rise in price of fuel and because of quarantine measures.

The expert added that there are also local factors that affect the price increase. If the ruble exchange rate was stable in 2021, then in 2022 its stability is under threat due to tension in international relations, she noted. In addition, Lebsak-Kleimans also recalled the high inflation, which in 2021 has already affected purchase prices and, as a result, will affect retail prices this year.

Earlier, the president of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Russia Igor Bukharov explained to the Russians the increase in prices in restaurants. According to him, entrepreneurs are trying to restrain the price of dishes in establishments, but they are still growing.

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