Home » The expert assessed the data on the possible participation of the KGB of Belarus in the special operations of the Taliban

The expert assessed the data on the possible participation of the KGB of Belarus in the special operations of the Taliban

by alex

Expert Serenko on the participation of the KGB of Belarus in Taliban operations: more fantasy than truth

Photo: Jorge Silva / Reuters

Russian expert on Afghanistan, columnist for Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Andrei Serenko, assessed the information that appeared on the Internet that Belarus KGB officers allegedly arrived in Tajikistan to meet with representatives of the Taliban movement ( banned in the Russian Federation as a terrorist movement) and help them prepare special operations. He expressed his opinion on the air of ITON.TV.

Serenko, referring to his acquaintances, said that this information contains more fantasy than truth. According to him, it is only known for certain that the Belarusian military flew to the country for exercises held by the countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

The specialist stressed that at present Tajikistan is the most irreconcilable state towards the Taliban, and it is unlikely that representatives of the Belarusian side could hold negotiations with them there.

At the same time, the journalist noted that “there is no smoke without fire” and in parallel there were also rumors about the active work of the Pakistani special services on the Tajik territory, which, according to him, are currently the most active curators and operators of the Taliban.

Joint exercises of special forces formations of the Collective Rapid Reaction Forces (CRRF) of the CSTO “Cobalt-2021” were held at the Fakhrabad training ground in Tajikistan from November 17 to 19. Military men from Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan took part in the next maneuvers. The military practiced planning and conducting an operation to destroy the militants, and during the active phase of the exercises, they conducted an operation to blockade and storm a building conditionally captured by the militants using helicopters and technical reconnaissance equipment.

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