Home » The EU is already tired of him: is there a hidden purpose in Orban’s statements?

The EU is already tired of him: is there a hidden purpose in Orban’s statements?

by alex

The behavior of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has already really bothered many in Europe. The EU must react more harshly to his actions, because inaction will lead to bad consequences.

About this Channel 24 said political strategist Boris Tizenhausen, commenting on the activities of Viktor Orban. The European Union should have a significant influence on it so that in the future new “Orbans” do not arise in its place in different countries.

There is already information that Orban is annoying many in the European Union. This gives hope that he will finally be put in his place.

Today one article caught my eye, where an unnamed European official said, that Orban has already really fed up with everyone. If he continues his openly pro-Russian policy, the EU will find a way to make decisions without Orban. “This should have been done a long time ago,” said Tizenhausen.

In fact, Orbán is doing two very harmful things that could have consequences for the European Union. This is blocking aid to Ukraine and blocking sanctions against Russia.

Does Orban have a hidden agenda

As of 14.00 on December 14, Orban has not agreed to begin negotiations on Ukraine’s membership in the EU. He begins to come up with different reasons, as if all the conditions were not met. And also offers various alternative formats that do not make sense.

Started to say that let's not start a dialogue about the introduction. What can we offer a new format. That Ukraine is not a member of the EU, but a partner. See what he does? Introduces a new format. He can put it in his drawer. Ukraine now deserves to be a full member of the EU much more than some countries that sit there in warmth and peace and hinder us on the European integration path,” Tizengauzen said.

Orban's position on Ukraine's accession to the EU: briefly

  • 14 – On December 15, the EU summit is being held in Brussels. There they may decide to begin negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the European Union. But Hungary is still against it.
  • It is known that Orban is not against allocating 50 billion euros to Ukraine. But he doesn’t want to give it from the EU budget. In his opinion, money should be given from the national budgets of countries. Orban is also against the decision to begin negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU at the summit.
  • On December 7, French President Emmanuel Macron met with Orban to support Ukraine at the summit. But it was not possible to reach a compromise.

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