Home » The enemy prematurely activated reserves and relocates the surviving equipment – General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The enemy prematurely activated reserves and relocates the surviving equipment – General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

by alex

The twenty-first day of the heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion is underway. The enemy continues the offensive operation against our state. As of March 16, the enemy has not fully achieved any strategic goal of the offensive operation, as reported in the summary of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

On the Volyn directionThe Russian occupying troops, with the full support of the military-political leadership of the Republic of Belarus, continue to actively use its territory for deployment of missile systems, launching missile strikes on the territory of Ukraine and organizing all types of support for the troops. Also, the airfield network and transport infrastructure of the Republic of Belarus are actively used by the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

The State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus constantly monitors the situation in the regions bordering Ukraine. In order to obtain information of an intelligence nature, Belarusian intelligence agencies conduct a survey of citizens crossing the Ukrainian-Belarusian border.

In the Polesie directionthe enemy continues to concentrate his main efforts on conducting reconnaissance and trying to organize a counter-battery fight. There are no significant successes. During the conduct of hostilities, units of the 36th Combined Arms Army of the Eastern Military District suffered significant losses in personnel and equipment and were forced to prematurely use reserves.

On the Seversky and Slobozhansky directions of active offensive actions by the enemy are not recorded. The invaders are trying to gain a foothold on the previously captured lines, regroup troops and replenish supplies.

The enemy does not abandon attempts to advance south of the city of Izyum, probably in order to continue the offensive in the direction of Slavyansk. No success.

ReadThe invaders liquidated in Ukraine were buried in 200 cities and villages of Russia – Reznikov

In the Yuzhnobuzh operational area, the enemy continues to try to gain a foothold in their positions. After a strike by units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Kherson airfield, which is temporarily under enemy control, the invaders are trying to relocate the surviving equipment.

The Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation continues to block shipping in the northwestern part of the Black sea.

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