Home » The enemy deliberately damages his equipment in order to stay alive – Painter

The enemy deliberately damages his equipment in order to stay alive – Painter

by alex

The troops of the Russian Federation are demoralized, they do not have the opportunity to replenish their provisions and fuel for equipment.

As Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar said on the air of the national telethon, now it is already possible to analyze the situation of the enemy’s actions, because it is possible to trace the tendencies and behavior of the enemy.

– It is very difficult for the enemy now. Overwhelmingly, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed its logistics… it is difficult for the enemy to communicate, it is difficult for the enemy to replenish his provisions, so they rob our stores because they have no food. They have problems with replenishment of lubricants, they are demoralized, they are afraid of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they are frightened by our newest weapons, — she said.

The Deputy Minister of Defense added that Ukrainian intelligence records that the Russian military is deliberately damaging their equipment in order not to move forward and stay alive.

– At the same time, the enemy does not abandon his plans to move deeper into Ukraine , he does not leave plans and goal number 1 – Kyiv … although we are powerfully repulsing this attack, therefore Kyiv is guarded very reliably, – she said.

Anna Malyar stressed that the most difficult situation is observed around Mariupol, where Russian troops cannot move deep into the territories, so they are trying to gain a foothold on the outskirts of the city. There are cases of kidnapping of the local authorities of Mariupol, but compared to 2014, when some government officials in the occupied territories collaborated with the Russian occupier, the situation is completely different, so the Ukrainian public and the Armed Forces of Ukraine are resisting hostile aggression.

See the interactive online map of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine.

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