Home » The easier it was, the more the consequences: 80% of people cannot fully recover from the coronavirus

The easier it was, the more the consequences: 80% of people cannot fully recover from the coronavirus

by alex

Recently there was another sensational news about covid. Allegedly, SARS-CoV-2 damages the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract so badly that as a result of the destruction of the barrier between the bloodstream and the intestine, bacteria enter the bloodstream, which under normal conditions should not leave the intestine.

This was stated by scientists from the clinic at the University of Alabama. Fake or Reality? “Komsomolskaya Pravda” asked Simon Matskeplishvili, a cardiologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, deputy director for scientific work of the University Clinic of Moscow State University.


– The first thing that needs to be clarified is that in the examined group of patients there were only 30 people who fell ill with covid, and all the studies were carried out by scientists on an extremely small amount of blood plasma that they managed to obtain. And, most importantly, they did not find any bacteria in the blood, they only determined the DNA of various bacteria in the plasma. To prove the presence of living bacteria in the blood, it is necessary to inoculate on special nutrient media, make sure that there is bacterial growth, or even see them under a microscope. And the fact that the remains of the bacterial genome and their toxins were found is a completely different story, says Simon Matskeplishvili.

The presence of bacteria circulating in the blood, or bacteremia, is an extremely serious complication of some diseases, and can lead to serious consequences – sepsis or even septic shock, with a high probability of death. Nothing of the kind was observed in 30 examined patients.

– In the group of subjects, only two people were relatively severely ill with covid, the rest – quite easily. And if the patient has, for example, acinetobacteria or staphylococci in his blood, as written in the article, then the person should have had sepsis. It is not surprising that with any serious viral infection, the intestinal barrier is disrupted. We know perfectly well that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has a tropism for the intestinal epithelium (it infects the cells lining the gastrointestinal tract – ed.), Since a large number of ACE-2 receptors are located on their surface. But even if it were another infection, not coronavirus, but, say, viral gastroenteritis as a consequence of rotavirus or enterovirus infection, the consequences for the gastrointestinal tract would still be almost the same. But the immune system is on guard and does not allow any bacteria into the blood. Therefore, to say that with covid bacteria enter the bloodstream and this is capable of provoking a cytokine storm – I completely disagree with this.

Postcoid Syndrome – Cruel Reality

– Simon Teimurazovich, now we already know that there is a “post-coccygeal syndrome”, and in addition to long asthenia – weakness, a decline in all body forces, this syndrome includes many more things, and among other things – difficulties with nutrition and digestion. Is there really something wrong with digestion after covid?

– From my point of view, today the identification of postcoid syndrome and its correct treatment is no less important than the treatment of the covid itself. More than 135 million people worldwide have suffered from the coronavirus infection, and the vast majority of these people fortunately survived and recovered. But, despite the fact that the disease seems to be gone, many do not feel completely healthy. Someone has disturbed sleep, some have headaches or muscle pains, a large number of arrhythmias and disorders of the cardiovascular system, and some have stomach and intestinal problems. Thus, postcoid syndrome includes a very wide range of symptoms that, at first glance, are not related to each other.

IMPORTANT! The easier a person is ill, the longer the post-coccygeal syndrome lasts, our expert is sure.

– Among the symptoms – and a long rise in temperature to 37.1 – 37.2, sometimes for several months. On the one hand, all these symptoms are associated with chronic inflammation, but now we are close to unraveling the very essence of postcoid syndrome, and moreover, we are close to unraveling how to treat it, ”says Simon Matskeplishvili. – I am part of an international group that includes scientists from all over the world, in the near future we will publish a scientific article on this topic. We will test the method of treating postcoid syndromes at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, in the same one that awards the Nobel Prizes in medicine. We cooperate with Johns Hopkins University in the USA, with the University of Cape Town in South Africa. Of course, we will treat postcoid syndrome using this protocol at our medical center at Moscow State University.


IMPORTANT! 80% of people who have undergone covid do not return to the level of health that they had before the illness. They need a gradual recovery. Approximately half of the consequences of postcoid syndrome are due to psychological reasons, experienced shock trauma.

– However, we see many serious changes in the respiratory system, some people develop pulmonary fibrosis (proliferation of connective tissue replacing normal lung tissue, – ed.), There are neurological manifestations, skin manifestations, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular disorders vascular system, changes in the encephalogram and MRI of the brain, says Simon Matskeplishvili.

According to the specialist, such people do not see various symptoms – they are really unhealthy.

– And it was this condition that we were able to very logically explain, taking into account the specific interaction of the coronavirus with the human body. We are ready to present our understanding of this process to the scientific community. We will propose a new diagnosis, and most importantly, the treatment of this condition. Moreover, as in the case of the treatment of covid itself, which we developed at the Moscow State University clinic, these will be drugs that have been tested for years and decades, a certain combination of which should help in this situation. In exactly the same way as we treated covid – with dexamethasone, anticoagulants, spironolactone – with drugs that have been used for 40-50 years, we will also offer a combination of well-known and practically harmless drugs that should cure postcoid syndrome, the expert summed up.

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