Home ยป The Duma passed a law regulating social advertising on the Internet

The Duma passed a law regulating social advertising on the Internet

by alex

The Duma passed a law regulating social advertising on the Internet

The State Duma in the second and third readings adopted a law that regulates the placement of social advertising on the Internet, reports TASS.

According to the document, a mandatory quota of 5% is introduced for the placement of such advertisements. In addition, it is envisaged to create a monitoring system for Internet sites and a single placement operator, which will keep track of advertising formats and space provided by the owners of information resources, and annually report on the publication of advertising.

It is noted that the requirements of the law apply to owners of information resources (except for media sites) who distribute advertising among Russian users and have a daily audience of more than 100 thousand users.

Earlier in Russia, it was proposed to ban advertising of fast food in print media, on the Internet, on outdoor street structures, as well as on television and radio from 08:00 to 23:00.

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