Home » The doctor spoke about the effect of alcohol on medication

The doctor spoke about the effect of alcohol on medication

by alex

Therapist Zhemchugov urged to abandon the dangerous combination of alcohol and medication

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Doctor of Medical Sciences, therapist-immunologist Vladislav Zhemchugov said that even one glass of champagne can be dangerous for people who constantly take any medications, Sputnik radio reports.

The specialist talked about the effect of alcohol on medication: he recalled that each product comes with instructions for use, where contraindications are indicated. Therefore, you need to read the recommendations in each individual case and discuss this point with your doctor, he stressed.

Zhemchugov urged not to experiment and refuse to combine alcohol with drugs, since it is impossible to predict the individual reaction of the body. A person is capable of manifesting idiosyncrasy – an increased individual sensitivity to something.

“In my life I have seen once a patient who drank analgin, seemingly the simplest medicine, and washed down with port, whatever was at hand. And his skin peeled off all over his body. This is called Lyell's syndrome, a rare thing, when an allergic reaction begins under the skin, everything “boils”, the skin peels off, “the doctor emphasized.

The doctor explained that a glass of champagne can only be drunk a few days after the end of the medication. However, it is better to give preference to non-alcoholic wine.

“It all depends on the drug and how long it stays in the body. I think a week is enough, maybe even three days. You can read the instructions, it always indicates where this medicine is processed and how many days it is excreted from the body, ”he concluded.

Earlier, the head of the Gamaleya center Gunzburg assessed the danger of alcohol for those vaccinated against coronavirus. According to him, a couple of glasses of champagne will not spoil the process of producing antibodies to COVID-19.

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