Home » The doctor spoke about the cause of re-infection with coronavirus

The doctor spoke about the cause of re-infection with coronavirus

by alex

Doctor Shamgunova: after measles, you can re-infect COVID-19 due to “amnesia” of immunity

Photo: Pixabay

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy of the Astrakhan State Medical University Bella Shamgunova said that the consequences of measles can become an indirect cause of re-infection with coronavirus. Her words lead radio Sputnik.

Shamgunova said that measles can lead to “amnesia” of the immune system. “Not everyone, but some people who have had measles can develop what is called post-measles immunosuppression. That is, the measles virus can infect T- and B-lymphocytes – these are cells that store the memory of previous infections, previous vaccinations, ”the doctor explained. She noted that measles suppresses and depletes these cells, so a person loses protection from other infections.

According to the expert, the loss of immunity can last up to three years. There is not enough research on the impact of measles on COVID-19 yet, but it can be assumed that the same pattern will be observed, she said. Shamgunova recommended vaccinating against measles in the absence of antibodies, since, on average, adults suffer this disease more severely than children.

Earlier, the head physician of the Moscow City Polyclinic No. 68, Natalya Kuzenkova, listed the Russians with ways to recover faster from the coronavirus. According to her, proper sleep, proper nutrition, as well as breathing exercises and physiotherapy exercises contribute to a speedy recovery.

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