Home » The doctor called the key issue of finding Zhirinovsky in the hospital

The doctor called the key issue of finding Zhirinovsky in the hospital

by alex

Doctor Kryuchkov called the key issue about Zhirinovsky the duration of his stay on a ventilator

Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin / TASS

The key issue in the story of the hospitalization of LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky, about whose condition there is little official information, was he taken off the ventilator or not. So says the immunologist Nikolai Kryuchkov. He shared his opinion with Lenta.ru.

According to the doctor, a long stay on a ventilator threatens with consequences, as it leads to multiple organ failure and nosocomial infections. “If he has been on a ventilator for a long time, this, to put it mildly, is not very good. This is necessary if a person dies otherwise, there is a hopeless situation, ”Kryuchkov shared.

The doctor said that patients with COVID-19 are in the hospital for a different amount of time, depending on the severity of the disease. With a mild course, citizens are usually hospitalized for a week, with moderate to severe – for one to two weeks. “If this is a severe course, then in different ways, depending on the complications, whether there is oxygen therapy or not. They lie for two or three weeks, and lie for a month if they get into intensive care, ”said Kryuchkov.

The press service of the Ministry of Health reported that Zhirinovsky was hospitalized on Wednesday, February 2, due to complications caused by the omicron strain. According to the latest information from the department, doctors assess his condition as stable and continue to provide the policy with all the necessary medical care.

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