Home » The doctor called the early symptoms of stomach cancer

The doctor called the early symptoms of stomach cancer

by alex

Doctor Sanjay Mehta called heartburn and nausea among the early symptoms of stomach cancer

Photo: Unsplash.com

There are several early symptoms of stomach cancer, said GP Sanjay Mehta. His words are quoted by the British newspaper Daily Express.

The specialist noted that in the early stages of stomach cancer, symptoms are often vague and can include heartburn, indigestion, loss of appetite, as well as nausea and vomiting. Patients may also experience difficulty swallowing, pain in the upper abdomen, and weight loss.

Another potential early sign of illness could be stomach bleeding, which leads to anemia, Mehta warned. You can detect a decrease in red blood cells in the blood using a blood test.

The doctor also noted that some manifestations of stomach cancer may indicate other diseases, such as stomach ulcers or acid reflux. However, in any case, with the manifestation of these symptoms, Mehta recommended to see a doctor.

Previously, experts from the National Health Service of Great Britain said that feeling very quickly full during a meal can be a sign of stomach cancer. Another unexpected sign of oncology experts called loss of appetite.

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