Home » The doctor assessed the consequences of smoking in ARVI

The doctor assessed the consequences of smoking in ARVI

by alex

Doctor Beloglazova said that smoking with SARS will delay recovery and worsen the condition

Photo: Pixabay

Head of the 4th therapeutic department of City Clinical Hospital No. 52, pulmonologist Irina Beloglazova assessed the consequences of smoking in ARVI. She stated that the addiction will delay recovery and worsen the patient's condition, RIA Novosti reports.

According to the specialist, SARS, acute respiratory infections, influenza and coronavirus can cause lung damage, so it is important to start treatment immediately and refrain from using tobacco products. She added that, in general, smoking cigarettes, pipes and cigars contributes to the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and oncological diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system.

Modern smoking products can cause serious lung damage, in which people begin to choke and need oxygen, Beloglazova added. With acute respiratory infections, smoking is especially undesirable, since the infection affects the respiratory tract.

“And if, in addition to the fact that our respiratory tract is stressed in the form of inflammation existing and developing in it, we also inhale harmful substances, then this enhances the negative state, delays recovery, and often contributes to chronic processes,” the pulmonologist emphasized.

Acting head of the Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Tobacco and Non-Chemical Addictions of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology, psychotherapist Valery Lykov added that during respiratory diseases, a person’s craving for smoking decreases, since tobacco products cause deterioration. For some, smoking at such moments is disgusting, so periods of colds and SARS can be used to give up a bad habit, the specialist concluded.

Earlier, Ekaterina Gureeva, an endocrinologist at the Atlas clinic network, said that coronavirus can have a dangerous effect on bones due to a sharp drop in vitamin D. She also named other factors that contribute to the development of osteoporosis. Among them were smoking, alcohol abuse, low body weight, frequent falls, calcium deficiency, low level of physical activity and prolonged immobility.

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