Home » The death toll in the explosion in Beirut rose

The death toll in the explosion in Beirut rose

by alex

The death toll in the blast in the Lebanese port of Beirut has risen to 30, Minister of health Hamad Hassan, reports TASS.

The Lebanese Ministry of health also reported that at the moment of the explosion in the port of the capital suffered at least three thousand people.

Hospitals of Beirut were full. In this regard, the Minister of health of Lebanon, Mohammed Hassan demanded to carry the wounded to hospitals outside the Lebanese capital. Local doctors warn that many have not yet received any medical care, because of the collapse of the structures were blocked in their flats.

August 4 in the port area of Beirut, a powerful explosion occurred. Affected many areas of the city, including were hurt in the blast at the Russian Embassy. Reuters reported about ten victims. The head of General security of the country, General Abbas Ibrahim said that according to preliminary data, detonated explosives for a long time kept in the port. The interior Ministry said that the exact cause of the explosion remains to be seen.

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