Home ยป The danger of an overabundance of a popular vitamin has been revealed

The danger of an overabundance of a popular vitamin has been revealed

by alex

Immunologist Logina stated that an overabundance of vitamin D can lead to calcium leaching

Photo: Pixabay

Immunologist-allergist, doctor of the highest category, Candidate of medical Sciences Nadezhda Logina in an interview with URA.RU revealed the danger of an overabundance of the popular vitamin D.

According to her, an overabundance of vitamin D in the body can lead to the leaching of calcium from bones, which increases their fragility. “Therefore, everything must comply with the norms of content in the body,” the specialist stressed.

She also pointed out that people need to take vitamin D in medicinal form only under the supervision of specialists. “Fish can be eaten depending on the appetite, age, height of a person without the supervision of a doctor. And vitamin D itself and the dose, duration, and frequency of the course are better coordinated with the doctor,” Logina said.

She added that not only an allergist or an immunologist can control vitamin intake, but also a therapist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist.

The specialist concluded that a person needs to eat right to maintain a normal level of vitamin D.

Earlier, an expert of the pharmaceutical market, pharmacist Irina Bulygina said that an overabundance of vitamins in the body can lead to baldness and liver problems. Bulygina stated that some vitamins and elements are generally incompatible with each other. While others can enhance each other’s effect.

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