Home » The Czech Republic abandoned Sputnik V without the approval of the EU regulator

The Czech Republic abandoned Sputnik V without the approval of the EU regulator

by alex

The head of the Czech Ministry of Health, Jan Blatny, refused permission to use the Russian Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine without prior approval from the EU regulator. This is reported by TASS.

According to Czech Television, during a speech to deputies of the country's lower house of parliament, Blatny said that vaccination against coronavirus in the Czech Republic would only take place using drugs approved for use by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). “My position will not change while I am a minister,” the politician stressed.

Earlier, Czech Prime Minister Andrei Babish announced the desire of the country's authorities to use the Russian Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine, without waiting for permission from the EU regulator. President Milos Zeman adheres to the same position. Earlier, Babiš announced that the authorities would not use Sputnik V until it was registered in the EU. The corresponding application to the European regulator EMA was submitted by the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) in February.

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