Home ยป The coup on December 1: who benefited from the statement and why the OP forgot about the mutiny a few days later

The coup on December 1: who benefited from the statement and why the OP forgot about the mutiny a few days later

by alex

On the morning of December 1, the center of Kiev was under siege. The police and the National Guard cordoned off the entire government quarter. As promised by the head of the pro-government faction, everything is closed. The authorities are obviously in anticipation of major protests. First Vice-Speaker Oleksandr Kornienko even says that the protesters are being taken to Kiev from the regions, offering UAH 1,000 a day. True, who is silent.

On December 1, several high-profile events were indeed announced in Kiev. Small business rally and opposition rally. But the people massively discussed the announced coup. The President himself launched a sensational wave during his press marathon.

Such information caused a stir throughout Ukraine and even put our international partners on the ears. Indeed, according to Zelensky, they tried to involve the richest businessman in the country – Rinat Akhmetov .

Subsequently, foreign journalist Christopher Miller published details about possible rebels. According to him, the coup was planned by an FSB officer and three officials of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs during the Yanukovych era . People's Deputy Vladimir Aryev says that he personally knows one of the alleged conspirators.

The SBU opened production only three days after the sensational statement. No detainees and even no suspects.

According to one of the versions, it was precisely because of the unwillingness of the special services to support the version of the President's Office that the head of counterintelligence lost his post.

An inquisitive people wandered around the center of Kiev in search of real danger and a coup. But neither Poroshenko on the grader, nor other revolutionaries were seen. There were almost more law enforcement officers on the streets than protesters. And the usual FLP action with a large margin fit on the square in front of the Verkhovna Rada.

Meanwhile, in the session hall, Volodymyr Zelenskyy was just announcing his annual message to parliament. Everyone was waiting, first of all, for the development of history with a coup. But the president is not talking about the mutiny.

Experts have been discussing all week why this loud statement about the involvement of the richest Ukrainian in a coup d'etat was made?

Now experts do not even rule out the alliance of Razumkov, Avakov, Groisman and Klitschko . It is not for nothing that they were all noticed at the security forum in Kiev, which took place in parallel with the President's annual message.

December 1 ended with actions of patriotic forces both on the Maidan and under the President's Office, which passed without incidents – peacefully and calmly. The coup on December 1 turned into a farce.

Against this background, even the President's message lost some weight. But what happens next? Aggravation of confrontation along the Zelensky-Akhmetov line or reconciliation? Nobody undertakes to predict.

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