Home » The collapse of an entrance in Belgorod: if there was an “arrival”, then the blow came from the Russian army – analysts’ explanation

The collapse of an entrance in Belgorod: if there was an “arrival”, then the blow came from the Russian army – analysts’ explanation

by alex

~6 0~p>The Russian Ministry of Defense admitted that the building collapsed due to the work of Russian air defense.

In Russian In Belgorod, on May 12, the entrance to a 10-story residential building collapsed, resulting in deaths and injuries. Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov announced that he was “hit by a shell from the Ukrainian Armed Forces.” And the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that the collapse allegedly occurred due to a fragment of the downed “Ukrainian Tochka-U missile”.

As analysts write Defence Express, the facts are not in favor of the Russian occupation forces.

If it was a blow, it hit one of the sections of apartment building No. 55A on Shchorsa Street in Belgorod.

Almost all filming angles from Russian cameramen from state channels take place from the southwestern part of the house, from the yard. Although more extensive damage to the house is located on the opposite side – northeast.

This is indicated by a number of details, the main ones being the windows. From the courtyard side of the house, they are intact, even if we are talking about apartments located next to a completely destroyed section.

Обвал подъезда в Белгороде: если и был "прилет", то удар пришелся со стороны армии РФ – объяснение аналитиков

At the same time, on the outside of the house, where the entrance itself opens (to the garages), the windows are completely broken along the house.

“Thus, if there was an ‘arrival’, it was in the north-eastern part of the house. This means that with a fairly high degree of probability, if it really was an ‘arrival’, then it could only have come from the Russian Federation,” – analysts noted.

Обвал подъезда в Белгороде: если и был "прилет", то удар пришелся со стороны армии РФ – объяснение аналитиков

The ammunition flew into the first floors of the house, which also excludes the possibility that that it could have been a ballistic missile. For in this case, on the north-eastern part, between the garages and the house there should have been a corresponding funnel, but it is not there. Or it should have hit the house exactly, but the roof of the section was intact; it partially collapsed later. FSB, according to the methodology already worked out in 1999. But, most likely, we are still talking about the activities of the Russian army, because this is not something new for the Russian army,” writes Defense Express


Analysts also do not rule out that this could be the result of abnormal operation of a surface-to-surface missile. Another likely option is the release of aircraft munitions by Russian pilots.

Recall that the National Security and Defense Council believes that the house in Belgorod could have been blown up. The video from the cameras does not show any falling objects, which means that all the Russian accusations of shelling by the Defense Forces are not yet true.

Political and military observer Alexander Kovalenko is convinced that the fragments of the missile, which the Russian Ministry of Defense announced was shot down, could not have penetrated all the floors of the high-rise building and explode on the first floor.

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