Home ยป The Chumakov Center said that

The Chumakov Center said that

by alex

The structure of the genome of the “Indian” strain of coronavirus does not prevent the use of the CoviVac vaccine to protect against it, said Konstantin Chernov, Development Director of the Chumakov Center.

“So far, based on the genome sequence (determination of the genetic structure) of this strain, there are no fatal changes in the phenotype that would prevent the vaccine from being used,” Konstantin Chernov said on Thursday on the air of the Ekho Moskvy radio station. “.

Recall that a few months ago, Indian authorities announced the spread of a new strain of coronavirus. Patients who have undergone mechanical ventilation therapy are susceptible to it. The virus spreads in a humid environment.

In June 2021, Rospotrebnadzor detected more than a thousand cases of infection with a new Indian strain of coronavirus in Russia.

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